Ok, now for a more positive blog to balance out things. anyone out there regularly go for walks? In parks, in your neighborhood, around a local track? I've always done a lot of walking in my life...in college, I didn't own a car, so I either got rides, took the bus, or hoofed it. Now, my wife and I share a car, so there's times I walk to and/or from my work. it's about 1.7 miles one way, and most of it's through a quiet neighborhood. I also go for walks just for the hell of it...I've been trying to imrove my health, and walks are a good way to do it, if my recent weight loss is any indicator.
Walking is great for lots of reasons. You , of course, travel at a much slower pace, so you have time to really take in the sights, and you get the opportunity to see things you may have missed before. For example, in my neighborhood, there's a house with a lamppost in the driveway, which is cool, but until I walked past it for the first time, I didn't notice the cool details, like dragons carved onto the lamp, and the nice lion statues near the front door of the house.
Another big plus for walking is that you're out there with Nature, not shielded against it inside a car. You can feel the breeze, smell the plants, flowers, and earth as you walk, and see animals both domestic and feral, from cats sleeping under cars parked in driveways to hawks soaring majseticlly overhead.
Walking, especially if you go by yourself, is a great way to mentally unwind. You can take time and think about things, or just think about nothing in particular and take it all in. You can opt to take some music with you as well(on your iPod or Zune)if you so desire. I walk solo quite a bit, and it gives me time to decompress, and lets me have some 'alone time' that seems so hard to come by these days. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, family, friends, pets, etc, but sometimes I just need a bit of time to myself once in a while. Walking allows me this.
If you already inot going for walks, I'm obviously preachng to the choir. If you haven't gone for a stroll lately, give it a try. You may like it.