Last night I dreamt that I lived in a different house, in a different neighborhood, but being a dream, this all seemed normal. It was night, and the sky was strange looking...the moon was casting a weird light, almost as bright as day outside. I decided I wanted to go for a walk, to take in the strange night sky. As I walked , it began to get darker and darker. I realized that it wasn't the sky, but my vision growing blacker. My sight finally went totally black, and I passed out. I woke up in my house, with my friend and housemate Nicole sitting at my bedside. She asked if I was OK, and I asked what happened. She had gone out to find me and discovered me laying on the sidewalk, and got some other friends to get me home. She, Kim, and some friends were all there to see if I was alright. I woke up then, for real.
Don't know what to make of this one. Often, in my dreams, the sky is strange looking or there's something weird going on in the sky. The passing out thing was weird,too. At least there was no offbeat cereal in this one.
Rest in peace, Howard Andrew Jones
7 hours ago
huh, not sure what this one means. ever passed out in one before?
bizarre. you know, i have had the same type of dream...where i am out walking at night with only the street lamps to light the way, but the farther i go, the dimmer they get until i am in total blackness and can't go any further. i never dreamt of passing out, but on one occasion i did sleep walk.
M.A., nope, this was a first.
D, this was a weird one.
dreams = weird
my last out-for-a-walk-at-night dream involved a decaying rhino carcass and a demon. so i would consider passing out a gift.
D, wow. I dunno, though, the rhino carcass and demon sound more interesting than passing out, anyway...but then I'm hopped up on Red Bull and Jagermeister, so that's to be taken in consideration.
I had a very strange dream last night. Lana and I were animals, or humanimals at least. Lost in a world of mud/
I can't remember my dreams so well, but reading yours reminds me that I recently had a dream about my vision fading away as well. Spooky.
Charles, I've had a few dreams where I was a werebeast . I'll write of them later.
VL, that is a strange coincidence.
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