"And you will face the Sea of Darkness, and all therein that may be explored"
El Topo (The Mole) is the story of a gunslinger on a quest for spirituality and God, essentially. The film is full of strange imagery, incorportaing Catholocism and Eastern religions as well as other symbolic images into a bizarre cinematic experience. There is also a good-sized helping of sexual themes, as well as violence, with pools and streets literally running red with blood at times( in the DVD extras, Jodorowski says "You cannot make a mystical picture without violence").
The film is full of striking images, such as the beginning, where El Topo has his son bury his first toy and his Mother's picture, his son standing with the monks he has left him with, the aforementioned streets of blood, a crucified dead goat, a collapsing tower, an underground city of deformed people, not to mention the look of El Topo himself, clad all in black. The backgrounds where the movie was shot are nothing less than beautiful,too.
It's supposed to be a shocking film, and I suppose it was back in the day, but I didn't find it all that shocking...I've seen a lot of strange films. I guess I could have done without El Topo's son running around with no pants on, though. It definately is a weird and bizarre movie, to be sure. I do like a surreal film now and again, although it may not be to everyone's tastes. If you're used to straightforward narratives and over-explained storylines, this isn't the movie for you. Also, I suppose some may find the religious imagery offensive, as well as the sex and violence. For those looking for a different viewing experience, though, El Topo might be an interesting change of pace.
The oak has some leafy buds growing on it already.
My cat Raven, who was sick a while back. is doing fine now. Her fur is starting to grow back where she was shaved for her IV and ultrasound. Raven is the shorthaired cat in the pictures. The longhaired rogue is Pict. If you took Errol Flynn, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li and distilled them into feline form, Pict would be the end result...amazing physical feats, swashbuckling antics, and physical comedy are his forte. He also has a mean right paw. The striped guy in the one picture is Loki...he's the laid-back cuddlebear of the bunch, although he does like to challenge Pict for the World Heavyweight Feline Championship title now and again.
All this came to mind as I went on a walk tonight with my friend Nicole. As we passed the elementary school in the neighborhood, she pointed and said, "Is that an owl?" I looked up at first, expecting to see one in flight. Instead, I saw just the opposite...there was a large, dead owl laying in the parking lot of the school. We both felt bad, but I suspect I felt even worse, given my connection to them. I almost took a feather from the owl, as sort of a shamanistic token, but I chose to leave him be instead. I'm sure someone will remove him , probably before the kids arrive for school in the morning.
Somehow this all makes me think of my family...my Mother, my Grandmother that just passed away, and my brother.I hope that the owl is flying somewhere beyond this world, his wings stretched against a night sky, eyes gleaming in the moonlight.